Direction: Ljubisa Georgievski
Playwright: Biljana Krajchevska
Stage and costumes: Mary Georgievska
music: Marjan Necak
Light: Ilija Dimovski
Sound master: Nikolce Terzievski
Inspector: Mirko Lazarevski
Prompter: Radojka Dimeska

Premiere: 14.03.2015


Hecuba: Gabriela Petrushevska
Agamemnon: Petar Mircevski
The colonel: Slobodan Stepanovski

This drama in seven pictures retells all our stories about the demolition, about the crimes, about peace and war, about truth and lies, for husband and wife, about the past that lingers horribly in the NOW, about human passions and defeats, about the perniciousness of execution. For the weight of this text to be even greater, Georgievski dedicates it to "Macedonian mothers who gave birth to one more child each than the bloodmen could bear". This theater does not leave a single moment of emptiness, nor any shadow loitering in the corners of the stage. This is a theater that the theater looks forward to.

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