Ingmar Villquist
The Last Night

Translation: Anna Svetosarov
Direction: Andrei Cvetanovski
Scene: Sergey Svetozarev
Costumes: Marta Dojčinovska
music: Dimitar Andonovski
Light design : Dimce Sapsevski
Design on tone : Aleksandar Dimovski
Inspector: Mirko Lazarevski

Premiere: 14.10.2015


Sonja Mihailova
Marjan Gjordjievski

This play is an attempt to show what the outside world does to a family's home, how the home crumbles under the grip of what is happening outside. A family story that is fantastically written and even though it is a duo drama, it still talks about the history of humanity, a slice of life in which great upheavals occur in the outside world, and thus also in their isolated inner world. A psychological drama that attacks all the senses and emotions. Something that destroys and destroys all those things that the family builds. A story about a different family, a humiliated scumbag who manages to keep his little until that night, but significant world.