Yevgeny Schwartz

Translation from Russian: Vladimir Milchin and Emma Markoska Milchin
Director: Vladimir Milchin
Scenographer: Krste.S Jidrov-Djibi
Costume designer: Maria Pupuchevska
Composer: Marian Necak
Light-master: Igor Micevski
Tone-master: Nikolce Terzievski
Video design: Goce Veselinovski
Inspector: Dimitar Mihajlovski
Prompter: Zorka Djakovska
Make-up artist and hairdresser: Sasho Martinovski,
Dilber Atanasov
Video operator: Dimitriy Baloyani

Premiere: 20.11.2018


The dragon: Martin Mirchevski
Lancelot: Fiery Drangovski
Charlemagne, archivist: Petar Gorko
Elsa, his daughter: Victoria Stepanovska – Jankulovska
The mayor: Marjan Gjordjievski
Henrich, his son: Nikolce Projchevski
The cat: Juliana Stefanova
The donkey: Zdravko Stojmirov
The first weaver: Petar Spirovski
The second weaver: Aleksandar Stefanovski
The Hatter: Maria Stefanovska
The instrument master: Filip Mircevski
The blacksmith: Dimitar Mihajlovski
Elsa's first date: Ilina Chorevska
Elsa's second crush :Anastasia Hristovska
Elsa's third suit: Katerina Anevska-Drangovska
The flower girl: Elena Moshe
The first citizen: Aleksandar Dimitrovski
The second citizen: Borce Djakovski
The first citizen: Sonja Oshavkova
The second citizen: Valentina Gramosli
The child: Nikola Stefanov
The saleswoman: Sonja Mihailova
The absconder: Ivan Jerchich


Not in vain to the country sent
It was you, my sweet baby.

The first attempt to stage "The Dragon" was made by the director Nikolai Akimov with the ensemble of the Leningrad Comedy Theater. But, the play was banned immediately, day after the premiere, on 4 August 1944 year 18 years, the same director staged it in the same theater, but "Ajderot" was banned a month after the premiere. The same her 1962 year was staged in the MGU Student Theater under the direction of Mark Zakharov, but the play was banned after 17 replays. Even Khrushchevism did not prove to be more "democratic" than Stalinism when it came to "The Dragon", the most profound of Schwartz's three sentences. The other two are The Naked King (1934) and "Shadow" (1940).

But, already in 1965 year, "The Dragon" crossed the borders of the USSR. Student of Bertolt Brecht, Бено Бесон, го поставил со огромен успех во Берлин. Претставата се играла до 1981 година и доживеала 580 replays. In 1967 year,„Аждерот“ ја доживеал и својата француска премиера, во режија на Антоан Витез, another great director from Western Europe. And then, in 1969 year, the premiere of the opera "Lancelot" took place at the State Opera in Berlin (according to the motives of "Ajderot") by composer Paul Dessau (another Brechtian!).

Evgeny Schwartz died on 15 January 1958 year and he did not wait to see the success of his story for adults "Azhder" in the homeland and outside it. Неговите мемоари најпрвин биле објавени во Франција во 1982 year, а дури во 1990 година во Русија, под наслов „Живеам растревожено“.

Зошто „Аждерот“ денес и овде? Зашто и денес, in 21 century, кај нас и во светот, not the power of Azhderoth, but the internal slavery, the weakness of the citizens and their willingness to put up with evil allows it to reign. The most difficult of the tasks that the hero is facing, the knight lancelot, it is not to defeat the monster. Lancelot has a more difficult task ahead of him, he has to kill the ajder in each of the citizens. Is it possible to preserve humanity after realizing the deep imperfection of people??

Before the end of "The Dragon", The flower girl will utter the schwartzian ironic formula: Be patient, Sir Lancelot. I beg you - be patient. Feel it. Grow brussels sprouts – the heat helps them grow. Плевелот отстранувајте го внимателно за да не ги оштетите здравите корења. Ако се подразмисли, луѓето во суштината, исто така, можеби, со сите огради, сепак заслужуваат внимателен пристап. Schwartz remained faithful to this attitude. When a few years later he wrote the screenplay for the film "Don Quixote" by Grigoriy Kozintsev, во него прозвучил истиот мотив на „тешката рицарска љубов кон луѓето“.

Дали е можно рицарството денес? Соочени со души без раце, души без нозе, глувонеми души, ситни души, лигави души, проколнати души, запустени души, продадени души, изгорени души и мртви души, наследство што го оставија аждерите од вчера и завчера, дали рицарите нема да бидат принудени да се претворат во аждери? Дали е можно рицарството во нашиот свет? Свет во кој аждеризмот е единствената идеологија пред која се клањаат душите чија немоќ е толкава што се податливи,отруени со омраза, одново да се постројат во толпа која ќе ги згази остатоците од човештината и цивилизираноста.

Нам во театарот ни преостанува обврската да предупредуваме на погубните последици од легитимирањето на аждеризмот како неизбежно зло. Our allies in this endeavor are the authors whose works transcend the boundaries of their lives. Evgeniy Schwartz is undoubtedly one of them.

Vladimir Milchin, director