after Coriolanus by William Shakespeare

Vedrana Bozinovic
Director - Andraš Urban
Set designer – Valentin Svetozarev
Costume designer – Blagoj Micevski
Composer – Irena Popović
Tone - master - Nikolce Terzievski
Light - master - Goran Petrovski
Video projections: Vladimir Perelovski
Photographer – Ivona Kochov

Premiere 17.06.2021

Ivan Jerchich
Sonja Mihailova
Victoria Stepanovska- Jankulovska
Sandra Grybowska
Nikola Projchevski

Aleksandar Dimovski
Slavcho Jovev

The play is not politics. The play deals with man and his community. The show is a fight. Humane Struggle. Nobody likes Coriolanus . Neither Shakespeare's play nor the character. And he is true and honest. Secretly we all agree with everything he says. But one thing is certain. He is not us. He says about us what we cannot say about ourselves. To be a diplomat, to know and want to use the sweet, a gentle lie that is a prerequisite for a democratic community, we wouldn't even talk about him. A lie is neither sweet nor gentle. The lie is bloody and merciless. While truth and honesty are still a prerequisite for true art. Even when we lie we go through the hell of honesty to turn a work of art into reality. At least in that art worth talking about.
In history we always talk about various motherfuckers who were ugly, stupid, evil, who somehow messed things up and prevented us from enjoying an extremely perfect society full of goodness, welfare, freedom, certainty and eternally victorious wars. The people, citizens are always just characters without the possibility to answer. That vague term like some abstracted octopus never means a collection of individuals. As if it is not the individual who fills out the ballot, as if she is not the one who puts it in the ballot box. The people are not responsible. As if it is not the people who elect all those whom we hate and hold responsible for everything .
The people renounce responsibility because they hand it over to an individual with the help of the ballot. At least four years old. And the same people say that they are a manipulated mass. Majority is law. Sexy motherfucker. And that same majority should never say that even though they do not agree with the opinion of the rainbows, they are ready to die just so that they can say that..
It doesn't matter if she was ever told that. A lie is sweet. True. And freedom hurts. And the government defends itself at all costs!

Andras Urban